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Provides mental health counseling and support for older adults and their caregivers.Mental Health Counseling and SupportMore information: Offers telehealth visits, up to 25 in-home counseling visits, community outreach, and drop-in support groups Staff trainings, case consultation, and collaboration is available for all Montgomery County organizations that work with older adults


Mental Health Drop In Centers
Caregiver Training
Mental Health Information/Education
Home Based Mental Health Services
Older Adults
Organizational Consultation/Technical Assistance
Individual Counseling
Provides in-home counseling, support, and consultation services for Spanish-speaking older adults.Mental Health Counseling More information: Educates participants and caregivers Offers community outreach and drop-in support groups Evaluates clients for medications, provides follow-up with a nurse practitioner, and shares recommendations with participants' primary care physicians


Hispanic/Latino Community
Individual Counseling
Psychiatric Medication Services
Organizational Consultation/Technical Assistance
Mental Health Drop In Centers
Caregiver Training
Home Based Mental Health Services
Mental Health Information/Education