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Provides mental health counseling and support for older adults and their caregivers.Mental Health Counseling and SupportMore information: Offers telehealth visits, up to 25 in-home counseling visits, community outreach, and drop-in support groups Staff trainings, case consultation, and collaboration is available for all Montgomery County organizations that work with older adults
Provides mental health counseling and support for older adults and their caregivers.Mental Health Counseling and SupportMore information: Offers telehealth visits, up to 25 in-home counseling visits, community outreach, and drop-in support groups Staff trainings, case consultation, and collaboration is available for all Montgomery County organizations that work with older adults
Mental Health Drop In Centers
Caregiver Training
Mental Health Information/Education
Home Based Mental Health Services
Older Adults
Organizational Consultation/Technical Assistance
Individual Counseling
Provides in-home counseling, support, and consultation services for Spanish-speaking older adults.Mental Health Counseling More information: Educates participants and caregivers Offers community outreach and drop-in support groups Evaluates clients for medications, provides follow-up with a nurse practitioner, and shares recommendations with participants' primary care physicians
Provides in-home counseling, support, and consultation services for Spanish-speaking older adults.Mental Health Counseling More information: Educates participants and caregivers Offers community outreach and drop-in support groups Evaluates clients for medications, provides follow-up with a nurse practitioner, and shares recommendations with participants' primary care physicians
Hispanic/Latino Community
Individual Counseling
Psychiatric Medication Services
Organizational Consultation/Technical Assistance
Mental Health Drop In Centers
Caregiver Training
Home Based Mental Health Services
Mental Health Information/Education