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Provides services and support to victims of abuse. Domestic Violence SupportMore information: Includes counseling referrals, legal services, advocacy, and community educationOffers support groups for childhood sexual trauma and self-careA live chat feature is available on the website


Elder Abuse Shelters
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Sexual Assault Issues
Domestic Violence Support Groups
Elder Abuse Hotlines
Volunteer Opportunities
Abuse Counseling
Offers crisis intervention services to children and adults who have experienced violence, abuse, trauma, and other adverse experiences.Crisis InterventionMore information: Includes forensic interviews, medical treatment, and mental health servicesPAAVE program provides wrap-around services for children or families that have witnessed violence Elder Justice Center serves older adults who have experienced any form of abuse DOVE program offers domestic violence and crisis intervention services at Northwest Hospital Operates 2 'safe street' site violence-interruption programs in Belvedere and Woodbourne-McCabe Maintains hospital violence response teams at Sinai Hospital and Grace Medical Center Offers community trainings for professionals Accepts donations of money, clothing, books, toys, and personal care products for children


Abuse Counseling
Elder Abuse Hotlines
Clothing Donation Programs
Personal/Grooming Supplies Donation Programs
Child Advocacy Centers
Crime Victim Support
Volunteer Opportunities
Offers support to survivors of crimes, including domestic violence, elder abuse, and sexual assault. Victim ServicesMore information: Provides resources for shelter and housing, court companionship, and transportation to safe houses and shelters


Sexual Assault Hotlines
Domestic Violence Hotlines
Elder Abuse Hotlines
Domestic Violence Intervention Programs
Crime Victim Support