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Prevents animal abuse, cruelty, and neglect in the county by enforcing local ordinances.Animal Control and WelfareMore information: Investigates animal bites and ensures proper precautions are taken Offers animal pickup for injured, sick, aggressive, or stray animals, including wild animals in homes Shelter services available for stray, ill, injured, or unwanted dogs and cats Provides reunification services for pets and adoption for unclaimed animals Licensing offered for all dogs and cats, indoor or outdoor Operates a pet food bank for Frederick County residents Accepts donations of unopened pet food and cat litter
Animal Shelters
Veterinary Services
Animal Adoption
Food Donation Programs
Food Pantries
Animal Control
Animal Licenses
Pet Care Expense Assistance
Operates a no-kill shelter for cats. Animal ServicesMore information: Distributes spay/neuter vouchers and pet food bank to eligible individualsSpayed/neutered and vaccinated cats and kittens are available for adoption
Animal Shelters
Animal Adoption
Food Pantries