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Provides trained service dogs to assist individuals with disabilities.Service AnimalsMore information: Dogs are trained to help with daily tasks, act as skilled companions, and facilitate patient therapy
Trains service dogs in mobility assistance, sound response, and PTSD for individuals with special needs.Animal-Assisted TherapyMore information: Offers therapy dog visitations and other animal-assisted therapies Provides humane education and in-service workshops on ADA compliance for service dogs
Breeds and trains dogs to guide individuals with visual impairments.Service AnimalsMore information: Offers a 27-day program in New Jersey to help train the individual with the doProvides follow-up home visits
Offers education on the rights and responsibilities of guide dog handlers and users.Advocacy and InformationMore information: Promotes legislation related to equal employment and recreation opportunitiesProvides access to guide dog training programs throughout the world Hosts seminars allowing active or prospective guide dog users to discuss concerns


Information Sources
Visual Impairments
Service Animals