1-25 of 188
Provides free dental care services, including fillings, extractions, and cleanings.Dental CareMore information: Available April 2nd and 3rd starting at 6:30AM on a first come, first serve basis until 500 served
Provides free dental care services, including fillings, extractions, and cleanings.Dental CareMore information: Available April 2nd and 3rd starting at 6:30AM on a first come, first serve basis until 500 served
Offers preventative and restorative dental care, including routine exams, cleanings, x-rays, composite fillings, sealants, fluoride varnishes, simple extractions, and prophylaxis with fluoride.Dental CareMore information: Distributes educational materials and take-home dental supplies
Offers preventative and restorative dental care, including routine exams, cleanings, x-rays, composite fillings, sealants, fluoride varnishes, simple extractions, and prophylaxis with fluoride.Dental CareMore information: Distributes educational materials and take-home dental supplies
Dental Care
Offers mental health services that combine traditional methods with alternative healing practices like massage, naturopathy, and medicine.Mental Healthcare
Offers mental health services that combine traditional methods with alternative healing practices like massage, naturopathy, and medicine.Mental Healthcare
Substance Use - Service Type
Mental Health - Service Type
Individual Counseling
Hearing Loss
Conjoint Counseling
Clinical Service Providers
Supportive Therapies
Family Counseling
Provides dental care services. Dental Care
Provides dental care services. Dental Care
Dental Care
Offers general and specialized dental care, including orthodontics, endodontics, periodontics, prosthodontics, and pedodontics.Dental ServicesMore information: Includes clinics for pediatric and HIV+ patients Provides referrals for patients with more complicated dental problems
Offers general and specialized dental care, including orthodontics, endodontics, periodontics, prosthodontics, and pedodontics.Dental ServicesMore information: Includes clinics for pediatric and HIV+ patients Provides referrals for patients with more complicated dental problems
Provides affordable health services for residents of Charles County.Community Health Services More information: Includes maternal and child health services, immunizations, dental services, and women's health Offers family planning, emergency contraception, home visits, and STD testingCase management, in-home medical evaluation, personal care, and screenings available Provides programs for breast and cervical cancer, developmental disabilities, and HIV/AIDS Mental health services include psychiatric evaluations, testing, therapy, and medication monitoring Substance use disorder services include assessment, outpatient treatment, and Naloxone training Environmental Health enforces regulations, conducts inspections, and issues permits as appropriate Issues birth and death certificates Operates a seasonal flu hotline
Provides affordable health services for residents of Charles County.Community Health Services More information: Includes maternal and child health services, immunizations, dental services, and women's health Offers family planning, emergency contraception, home visits, and STD testingCase management, in-home medical evaluation, personal care, and screenings available Provides programs for breast and cervical cancer, developmental disabilities, and HIV/AIDS Mental health services include psychiatric evaluations, testing, therapy, and medication monitoring Substance use disorder services include assessment, outpatient treatment, and Naloxone training Environmental Health enforces regulations, conducts inspections, and issues permits as appropriate Issues birth and death certificates Operates a seasonal flu hotline
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening
Nutrition Education
Opioid Antidote Distribution
Health/Disability Related Counseling
Case/Care Management
Birth Control
DUI Offender Programs
Substance Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Individual Counseling
Pregnancy Testing
Substance Use - Service Type
Dental Care
Home Health Care
Sexually Transmitted Infection Treatment
Mental Health - Special Programs
Safety Education Programs
AIDS/HIV Clinics
Psychiatric Medication Services
Clinical Service Providers
Comprehensive Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment
Intellectual Disabilities
Activities of Daily Living Assessment
Group Counseling
Family Counseling
Mental Health - Service Type
Substance Use - Special Programs
Medical Social Work
Cancer Detection
Public Health Information/Inspection/Remediation
Substance Use Disorder Counseling
Offers services and support for individuals who are losing their eyesight.Vision Rehabilitation ServicesMore information: Provides instruction in braille, typing, low-vision Aide, talking books, and other technologies Teaches cooking, housekeeping, financial management, and other independent living techniques Orientation and mobility training available
Offers services and support for individuals who are losing their eyesight.Vision Rehabilitation ServicesMore information: Provides instruction in braille, typing, low-vision Aide, talking books, and other technologies Teaches cooking, housekeeping, financial management, and other independent living techniques Orientation and mobility training available
Assistive Technology Training
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Visual Impairments
Day Rehabilitation
Assistive Technology Equipment
Volunteer Opportunities
Provides eligible adults with free vision care that includes vision testing, glaucoma screening, prescription eyeglass service, and coverage for glaucoma management and cataract surgery.Vision Care
Provides eligible adults with free vision care that includes vision testing, glaucoma screening, prescription eyeglass service, and coverage for glaucoma management and cataract surgery.Vision Care
Eye Care
Volunteer Opportunities
Provides preventative, restorative, and emergency dental care.Dental CareMore information: Pediatric and limited endodontic services available
Provides preventative, restorative, and emergency dental care.Dental CareMore information: Pediatric and limited endodontic services available
Dental Care
Pregnant Individuals
Offers low-cost dental hygiene services, including cleanings and fluoride treatments.Dental Hygiene More information: Includes blood pressure check, oral cancer exam, periodontal screening, oral prophylaxis, and hygiene Does not offer fillings, root canals, or oral surgery such as extractions Services are provided in a teaching facility; appointments may take longer than usual
Offers low-cost dental hygiene services, including cleanings and fluoride treatments.Dental Hygiene More information: Includes blood pressure check, oral cancer exam, periodontal screening, oral prophylaxis, and hygiene Does not offer fillings, root canals, or oral surgery such as extractions Services are provided in a teaching facility; appointments may take longer than usual
Provides human eye tissue for corneal transplants and supports research on blindness.Medical Equipment/Supplies
Provides human eye tissue for corneal transplants and supports research on blindness.Medical Equipment/Supplies
Anatomical Gifts
Visual Impairments
Offers free programs and workshops for individuals who are blind or visually impaired.Disability Related Center-Based EmploymentMore information: Prepares individuals for everyday challenges at home, school, and work
Offers free programs and workshops for individuals who are blind or visually impaired.Disability Related Center-Based EmploymentMore information: Prepares individuals for everyday challenges at home, school, and work
Vocational Rehabilitation
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Assistive Technology Equipment
Reading Services for People With Disabilities
Volunteer Opportunities
Clinical Service Providers
Visual Impairments
Provides dental care to individuals who are uninsured, underinsured, or low-income.Dental CareMore information: Includes general care, limited oral surgery, and emergency services Offers referrals for patients needing specialty care
Provides dental care to individuals who are uninsured, underinsured, or low-income.Dental CareMore information: Includes general care, limited oral surgery, and emergency services Offers referrals for patients needing specialty care
Provides long-term care, assisted living, skilled nursing, and rehabilitation services.Skilled Nursing FacilitiesMore information: Offers occupational, physical, and speech therapies
Provides long-term care, assisted living, skilled nursing, and rehabilitation services.Skilled Nursing FacilitiesMore information: Offers occupational, physical, and speech therapies
Nursing Facilities
Volunteer Opportunities
Occupational Therapy
Physical Therapy
Assisted Living Facilities
Awards scholarships to high school and college students who have visual impairments.Scholarships
Awards scholarships to high school and college students who have visual impairments.Scholarships
Visual Impairments
Student Financial Aid
Offers housing and support to older adults who require help with daily living activities. Assisted Living More Information:Provides medication management, respite care, service coordination, and personal care Transportation to and from appointments available
Offers housing and support to older adults who require help with daily living activities. Assisted Living More Information:Provides medication management, respite care, service coordination, and personal care Transportation to and from appointments available
Assisted Living Facilities
Volunteer Opportunities
Nursing Facilities
Provides dental services by appointment.Dental CareMore information: Services are performed by dental students After-hours care can be obtained by calling the Howard University Hospital Dental Clinic
Provides dental services by appointment.Dental CareMore information: Services are performed by dental students After-hours care can be obtained by calling the Howard University Hospital Dental Clinic
Offers dental care and oral health education to adults with low income and no dental insurance.Dental Care Expense Assistance
Offers dental care and oral health education to adults with low income and no dental insurance.Dental Care Expense Assistance
Offers a range of medical, dental, and behavioral health services.Health Supportive ServicesMore information: Includes vaccinations, surgery, prescriptions, lab testing, and primary, chronic, and acute care Assists with medical assistance, applications, and connections with primary services Provides health education via classes and materials on health-related subjectsDental services include exams, cleanings, x-rays, fillings, root canals, and dentures Refers to community resources and specialty services as needed
Offers a range of medical, dental, and behavioral health services.Health Supportive ServicesMore information: Includes vaccinations, surgery, prescriptions, lab testing, and primary, chronic, and acute care Assists with medical assistance, applications, and connections with primary services Provides health education via classes and materials on health-related subjectsDental services include exams, cleanings, x-rays, fillings, root canals, and dentures Refers to community resources and specialty services as needed
Health Insurance Marketplaces
Dental Care
Community Clinics
Pregnancy Testing
General Health Education Programs
Provides nursing, hospice, and rehabilitation care to veterans.Veteran Support ServicesMore information:Offers special programs for Gero-psychiatric and Alzheimer's patients Accepts donations of comfort items, such as games, magazines, books, and toiletries
Provides nursing, hospice, and rehabilitation care to veterans.Veteran Support ServicesMore information:Offers special programs for Gero-psychiatric and Alzheimer's patients Accepts donations of comfort items, such as games, magazines, books, and toiletries
Volunteer Opportunities
Hospice Care
Nursing Facilities
Offers private and semi-private rooms in a nursing home setting.Nursing FacilitiesMore information: Residents have access to activities and physical, occupational, and speech therapies
Offers private and semi-private rooms in a nursing home setting.Nursing FacilitiesMore information: Residents have access to activities and physical, occupational, and speech therapies
Volunteer Opportunities
Nursing Facilities
Offers comprehensive care, skilled nursing, and rehabilitation services.Nursing FacilitiesMore information: Short and long-term respite care available Accepts donations
Offers comprehensive care, skilled nursing, and rehabilitation services.Nursing FacilitiesMore information: Short and long-term respite care available Accepts donations
Speech and Language Pathology
Occupational Therapy
Volunteer Opportunities
Respite Care
Nursing Facilities
Physical Therapy
Provides medical treatment and related services.General Medical Care, Eye ExaminationsMore information: Offers services for breast cancer, diabetes, lung diseases, wound management, sleep disorders, and digestive disorders Specializes in routine eye exams, eye emergencies, laser surgery, low vision, and pediatric ophthalmology Locations at GBMC, Baltimore, Lutherville/Towson, and surrounding areas
Provides medical treatment and related services.General Medical Care, Eye ExaminationsMore information: Offers services for breast cancer, diabetes, lung diseases, wound management, sleep disorders, and digestive disorders Specializes in routine eye exams, eye emergencies, laser surgery, low vision, and pediatric ophthalmology Locations at GBMC, Baltimore, Lutherville/Towson, and surrounding areas
Abuse Counseling
Clinical Service Providers
Cancer Clinics
Health Care Referrals
Hospice Care
Volunteer Opportunities
Medical Social Work
Eye Care
Provides dental services to eligible children and adults.Dental CareMore information: Services include cleanings, fluoride treatments, restorative treatment, and extractions Dental hygienists visit elementary schools to screen individuals and provide advice on treatment Educational dental programs are offered to schools, Head Start programs, and community programs
Provides dental services to eligible children and adults.Dental CareMore information: Services include cleanings, fluoride treatments, restorative treatment, and extractions Dental hygienists visit elementary schools to screen individuals and provide advice on treatment Educational dental programs are offered to schools, Head Start programs, and community programs
Dental Care
Provides outpatient mental health and day rehabilitation services. Mental Health CareMore information: Includes programs for older adults, individuals who are deaf, and those with a dual diagnosis Offers a residential program and supported employment
Provides outpatient mental health and day rehabilitation services. Mental Health CareMore information: Includes programs for older adults, individuals who are deaf, and those with a dual diagnosis Offers a residential program and supported employment
Substance Use - Special Programs
Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Access Centers
Clinical Service Providers
Mental Health - Special Programs
Persons with co-occurring Mental Health & Substance Use Disorders
Persons with co-occuring Mental Health & Intellectual Disabilities
Integrated Co-Occurring Disorders Treatment
Psychiatric Rehabilitation
Hearing Loss