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Offers a variety of recreational and educational services, including a senior center, teen club, computer lab, fitness center, and medical center.Community Facilities/CentersMore information:Computer lab is Internet accessible and offers fee-based classes and printingSenior Center is open Mon-Thu 9:00am-2:00pm and provides a hot lunch Western County Family Medical Center is open Mon, Tue, and Thu 8am-12pm, Wed 3pm-7pm, and Fri 12pm-4pm


Computer Literacy Training Programs
First Aid Instruction
Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites
Recreational Activities/Sports
Senior Centers
Volunteer Opportunities
Provides a range of medical care services, including surgery, therapy, obstetrics, gynecology, pediatrics, orthopedics, and oncology.HospitalMore information: Operates an intensive care unit, stroke center, and chest pain center Offers classes on CPR, smoking cessation, stress management, nutrition, childbirth, and more Social workers available to help patients with issues related to illness and discharge planning


First Aid Instruction
Medic Alert
Health Care Referrals
Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Volunteer Opportunities
Smoking/Vaping Cessation
Provides in-home healthcare, including medical support, skilled nursing, and aides.In-Home Healthcare


Health/Disability Related Support Groups
First Aid Instruction
Home Health Care
Mobile Health Care
Offers 24-hour emergency medical services, including adult and pediatric care, behavioral health counseling, and case management.Emergency ServicesMore information: Diagnostic testing, including CT and X-ray, is available Works closely with EMS


Mental Health Evaluation
Occupational Therapy
Psychiatric Day Treatment
Mental Health Information/Education
Mental Health Drop In Centers
Childbirth Education
First Aid Instruction
Volunteer Opportunities
Physical Therapy
Mental Health Issues
Inpatient Mental Health Facilities
Provides wellness programs for the community, including CPR instruction, behavioral health, diabetes education, and classes on breastfeeding, infant care, and childbirth.Health Education/Disease Prevention


First Aid Instruction
Substance Use Disorder Counseling
Caregiver Training
Childbirth Education
Provides emergency, general, and specialized medical services.Medical ServicesMore information: Includes emergency pediatrics, outpatient clinic, intensive care unit, women's health services, chest pain emergency center, outpatient rehab, cancer center, rehabilitation services, support groups, and an emergency room for older adults


Community Clinics
Physical Therapy
Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Hearing Screening
General Health Education Programs
Cancer Clinics
Mental Health Evaluation
Occupational Therapy
First Aid Instruction