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Offers a low-interest loan program to help Maryland residents purchases assistive technology. Assistive Technology LoansMore information: Covers wheelchairs; mobility, hearing, and vision Aide; computers; iDevices; vehicles; and home modifications Donations can be dropped off Tuesdays through Thursdays from 9AM to 4PM with no appointment


Assistive Technology Equipment
Medical Equipment/Supplies
Assistive Technology Information
Home Barrier Evaluation/Removal Services
Volunteer Opportunities
Provides information and referrals for assistive technology Aide for daily living, communication, mobility, and more. Specialized Information and ReferralMore information:Includes information on workshops and seminars on assistive and information technology Does not provide direct funding for devices


Specialized Information and Referral
Medical Equipment/Supplies
Assistive Technology Equipment
Volunteer Opportunities
Home Barrier Evaluation/Removal Services
Assistive Technology Information
Offers support and training for individuals who are blind, visually impaired, or hearing impaired.Disability Related Center-Based EmploymentMore information: Training in daily living tasks, traveling independently with a cane, and socialization provided Includes instruction in braille, typing, and adaptive equipment Hosts bi-weekly group discussions about blindness-related issues Provides computerized braille production and outreach services Refers to other agencies that sell adaptive equipment and helpful tools


Vocational Rehabilitation
Visual Impairments
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Assistive Technology Information
Reading Services for People With Disabilities