1-25 of 294
Offers 24-hour emergency medical services, including adult and pediatric care, behavioral health counseling, and case management.Emergency ServicesMore information: Diagnostic testing, including CT and X-ray, is available Works closely with EMS
Offers 24-hour emergency medical services, including adult and pediatric care, behavioral health counseling, and case management.Emergency ServicesMore information: Diagnostic testing, including CT and X-ray, is available Works closely with EMS
Clinical Service Providers
Pregnancy/Childbirth Support Groups
Inpatient Mental Health Facilities
First Aid Instruction
Psychiatric Day Treatment
Childbirth Education
Physical Therapy
Mental Health - Service Type
Mental Health Issues
Occupational Therapy
Volunteer Opportunities
Mental Health Drop In Centers
Emergency Mental Health Services
Mental Health Evaluation
Mental Health Information/Education
Operates a peer-support helpline the provides information and referrals for issues related to mental illness. Mental Health SupportMore information: Available by phone, text, or online chat
Operates a peer-support helpline the provides information and referrals for issues related to mental illness. Mental Health SupportMore information: Available by phone, text, or online chat
Mental Health Issues
Specialized Information and Referral
Substance Use - Service Type
Mental Health - Service Type
Provides assistance to find long-term support options and determine eligibility for public programs.Long Term Care Options CounselingMore information:Screens for Medicaid nursing facility and home and community-based service waiver programs Helps with level of care determinations
Provides assistance to find long-term support options and determine eligibility for public programs.Long Term Care Options CounselingMore information:Screens for Medicaid nursing facility and home and community-based service waiver programs Helps with level of care determinations
Aging and Disability Resource Centers
People With Disabilities/Health Conditions
Certificates/Forms Assistance
Mental Health - Special Programs
Legal Services
Basic Needs
Older Adults
Specialized Information and Referral
Medicaid Information/Counseling
Provides hospice care services and support for terminally ill patients and their families. Hospice CareMore information:Includes pain relief, symptom control, counseling, financial assistance, and resource referrals Services can be provided in the patient's home, inpatient facilities, and nursing homes Offers a bereavement camp for children and various support groups
Provides hospice care services and support for terminally ill patients and their families. Hospice CareMore information:Includes pain relief, symptom control, counseling, financial assistance, and resource referrals Services can be provided in the patient's home, inpatient facilities, and nursing homes Offers a bereavement camp for children and various support groups
Volunteer Opportunities
Mental Health - Service Type
Terminal Illness Support Groups
Bereaved/Grieving Individuals
Day Camps
Hospice Care
Offers multiple support groups for individuals and families affected by HIV/AIDS.Support GroupsMore information: Includes groups for men, women, and family members
Offers multiple support groups for individuals and families affected by HIV/AIDS.Support GroupsMore information: Includes groups for men, women, and family members
Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Families/Friends of People With Disabilities
Mental Health - Service Type
Volunteer Opportunities
Evaluates and assesses the needs of older adults and individuals with disabilities in order to provide nursing, social, and psychiatric support. Adult Protective ServicesMore information: Coordinates in-home services and long-term care as needed
Evaluates and assesses the needs of older adults and individuals with disabilities in order to provide nursing, social, and psychiatric support. Adult Protective ServicesMore information: Coordinates in-home services and long-term care as needed
Older Adults
Case/Care Management
Aging and Disability Resource Centers
Activities of Daily Living Assessment
Mental Health - Special Programs
Provides psychiatric rehabilitation for children in foster care who have special behavioral health needs. Also supports family caregivers with overnight respite care and therapy.?Foster Care Behavioral Support, Respite CareMore information:Offers respite in-home services up to 10 hours a day and out of home respite up to 12 nights every three months
Provides psychiatric rehabilitation for children in foster care who have special behavioral health needs. Also supports family caregivers with overnight respite care and therapy.?Foster Care Behavioral Support, Respite CareMore information:Offers respite in-home services up to 10 hours a day and out of home respite up to 12 nights every three months
Respite Care
Families with children
Mental Health & Substance Use
Mental Health - Service Type
Kinship Caregivers
Child Behavior / Mental Health
Foster Home Placement
Offers support and resources to individuals experiencing a high-risk pregnancy.Pregnancy SupportMore information: Provides weekly phone calls for reassurance until delivery
Offers support and resources to individuals experiencing a high-risk pregnancy.Pregnancy SupportMore information: Provides weekly phone calls for reassurance until delivery
Pregnant Individuals
Specialized Information and Referral
Substance Use - Service Type
Telephone Reassurance
Mental Health - Service Type
Volunteer Opportunities
Offers information and referrals to resources for caregiver support.Caregiver Support ServicesMore information: Processes referrals to caregiver support coordinators at VA Medical Centers All responders are licensed social workers and social work associates
Offers information and referrals to resources for caregiver support.Caregiver Support ServicesMore information: Processes referrals to caregiver support coordinators at VA Medical Centers All responders are licensed social workers and social work associates
Substance Use - Service Type
Families of Military Personnel/Veterans
Mental Health - Service Type
Specialized Information and Referral
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Offers problem-solving assistance and counseling on issues like pregnancy, running away, suicide, gang involvement, eating disorders, depression, and abuse.Crisis Intervention Hotlines/HelplinesMore information: Available by phone, chat, email, and text Referrals to local resources provided for long-term problems
Offers problem-solving assistance and counseling on issues like pregnancy, running away, suicide, gang involvement, eating disorders, depression, and abuse.Crisis Intervention Hotlines/HelplinesMore information: Available by phone, chat, email, and text Referrals to local resources provided for long-term problems
Substance Use - Special Programs
Mental Health - Service Type
Runaway/Homeless Youth Helplines
Substance Use - Service Type
Crisis Pregnancy Hotlines
Suicide Prevention Hotlines
Mental Health - Special Programs
Telephone Reassurance
Provides one-on-one counseling and referrals to local resources.Information and ReferralMore information: Assists with completing forms for applications such as SNAP, MEAP, Medical Assistance, Childcare Subsidy, Financial Assistance, and more Helps find resources for mental health, domestic violence, grief and loss support, parenting resources, LGBTQIA+ support, senior services, substance abuse, and youth services Drop-in office hours are offered on a first-come, first-served basis
Provides one-on-one counseling and referrals to local resources.Information and ReferralMore information: Assists with completing forms for applications such as SNAP, MEAP, Medical Assistance, Childcare Subsidy, Financial Assistance, and more Helps find resources for mental health, domestic violence, grief and loss support, parenting resources, LGBTQIA+ support, senior services, substance abuse, and youth services Drop-in office hours are offered on a first-come, first-served basis
Basic Needs
Information Sources
Specialized Information and Referral
Medicaid Information/Counseling
Child Care Expense Assistance
Child Care Expense Assistance
Benefits Screening
Mental Health - Service Type
Temporary Financial Assistance
Certificates/Forms Assistance
Food Stamps/SNAP
Mental Health Information/Education
SNAP / Food Stamps
Legal Services
Provides peer support groups for individuals living in or planning to move to the community.Peer Support Groups
Provides peer support groups for individuals living in or planning to move to the community.Peer Support Groups
Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Mental Health - Service Type
Offers services and support for individuals affected by blindness.Disability Related Center More information:Includes instruction on communication, adaptive equipment, travel, socialization, and living skills Provides employment opportunities in manufacturing at multiple locations Home teaching services may be available
Offers services and support for individuals affected by blindness.Disability Related Center More information:Includes instruction on communication, adaptive equipment, travel, socialization, and living skills Provides employment opportunities in manufacturing at multiple locations Home teaching services may be available
Specialized Information and Referral
Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Mental Health - Service Type
Assistive Technology Equipment
Provides support groups and workshops for individuals with blood cancers and their families.Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Provides support groups and workshops for individuals with blood cancers and their families.Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Mental Health - Service Type
Volunteer Opportunities
Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Charities/Grantmaking Organizations
Provides respite care and support groups for caregivers.Caregiver SupportMore information: Offers funding for a brief period or for summer camp enrollment
Provides respite care and support groups for caregivers.Caregiver SupportMore information: Offers funding for a brief period or for summer camp enrollment
Respite Care
Caregiver/Care Receiver Support Groups
Mental Health - Service Type
Helps families understand dementia, resolve conflicts, access services, and plan for the future.Caregiver Counseling/Support
Helps families understand dementia, resolve conflicts, access services, and plan for the future.Caregiver Counseling/Support
Mental Health - Service Type
Alzheimer's Disease
Volunteer Opportunities
Substance Use - Service Type
Provides healthcare and mental health services to the community. Medical CareMore information:Evaluates hearing and balance disorders and diagnoses heart problems and vascular disease Offers support groups and educational programs for various health conditionsProvides resources for neck and spinal problems Personal emergency response systems are available for those who need help at home Case management services provided
Provides healthcare and mental health services to the community. Medical CareMore information:Evaluates hearing and balance disorders and diagnoses heart problems and vascular disease Offers support groups and educational programs for various health conditionsProvides resources for neck and spinal problems Personal emergency response systems are available for those who need help at home Case management services provided
Medic Alert
Hearing Screening
Mental Health - Service Type
Parkinson's Disease
Home Health Care
Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Heart Disease
Medical Social Work
Health Care Referrals
Volunteer Opportunities
Community Clinics
Provides assistance to find long-term support options and determine eligibility for public programs. Aging and Disability Resource CentersMore information: Screens for Medicaid nursing facility and home and community-based service waiver programsAssists with applications for the Homeowners' and Renters' Tax Credit programHelps older adults who can't access the online COVID-19 vaccine interest form
Provides assistance to find long-term support options and determine eligibility for public programs. Aging and Disability Resource CentersMore information: Screens for Medicaid nursing facility and home and community-based service waiver programsAssists with applications for the Homeowners' and Renters' Tax Credit programHelps older adults who can't access the online COVID-19 vaccine interest form
COVID-19 Immunization Clinics
Respite Care
Specialized Information and Referral
Caregiver/Care Receiver Support Groups
General Legal Aid
Legal Services
Personal Care
Mental Health - Special Programs
Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites
Older Adults
Mental Health - Service Type
Home Health Care
Grocery Ordering/Delivery
Volunteer Opportunities
Aging and Disability Resource Centers
Certificates/Forms Assistance
Basic Needs
Offers counseling and support to individuals who are in crisis as a result of a natural or man-made disaster, including COVID-19. Disaster Counseling More information: Available by phone and text
Offers counseling and support to individuals who are in crisis as a result of a natural or man-made disaster, including COVID-19. Disaster Counseling More information: Available by phone and text
Mental Health - Service Type
Substance Use - Service Type
Post Disaster Mental Health Services
Provides assistance to find long-term support options and determine eligibility for public programs.Long Term Care Options CounselingMore information:Screens for Medicaid nursing facility and home and community-based service waiver programs Helps with level of care determinationsOffers referrals to health, transportation, housing, and income support programs
Provides assistance to find long-term support options and determine eligibility for public programs.Long Term Care Options CounselingMore information:Screens for Medicaid nursing facility and home and community-based service waiver programs Helps with level of care determinationsOffers referrals to health, transportation, housing, and income support programs
People With Disabilities/Health Conditions
Medicaid Information/Counseling
Volunteer Opportunities
Aging and Disability Resource Centers
Discrimination Assistance
Older Adults
Mental Health - Special Programs
Certificates/Forms Assistance
Legal Services
Homeless Permanent Supportive Housing
Specialized Information and Referral
Basic Needs
Provides free pregnancy testing, counseling, and baby items including clothing, formula, and diapers. Pregnancy Counseling and SupportMore information: Counseling services provided with a focus on right-to-life beliefs Donations of baby clothes, maternity clothes, and bottles are accepted
Provides free pregnancy testing, counseling, and baby items including clothing, formula, and diapers. Pregnancy Counseling and SupportMore information: Counseling services provided with a focus on right-to-life beliefs Donations of baby clothes, maternity clothes, and bottles are accepted
Maternity Clothing
Volunteer Opportunities
Formula/Baby Food
Clothing & Diapers
Baby Clothing
Pregnancy Testing
Pregnancy Counseling
Crisis Pregnancy Hotlines
Mental Health - Service Type
Maternity Clothing
Connects individuals with Parkinson's disease and their caregivers to local resources and services. Health Education/Disease Prevention ProgramsMore information: Includes access to support groups and classes related to health and wellnessHosts activities and special events to raise awareness and funds
Connects individuals with Parkinson's disease and their caregivers to local resources and services. Health Education/Disease Prevention ProgramsMore information: Includes access to support groups and classes related to health and wellnessHosts activities and special events to raise awareness and funds
General Health Education Programs
Parkinson's Disease
Mental Health - Service Type
Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Specialized Information and Referral
Caregiver/Care Receiver Support Groups
Provides education, vocational training, employment, and residential services for individuals with autism.Autism Spectrum Disorder Services
Provides education, vocational training, employment, and residential services for individuals with autism.Autism Spectrum Disorder Services
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Residential Mental Health Treatment Facilities
Special Education
Assisted Living Facilities
Adult Day Programs
Mental Health - Special Programs
Provides outpatient substance use disorder counseling.Substance Use Disorder CounselingMore information: Includes individual, group, couples, and family session options; education; and case management Specializes in helping women, older adults, and individuals with dual diagnosis
Provides outpatient substance use disorder counseling.Substance Use Disorder CounselingMore information: Includes individual, group, couples, and family session options; education; and case management Specializes in helping women, older adults, and individuals with dual diagnosis
Older Adults
Substance Use Disorder Counseling
Mental Health - Special Programs
Family Counseling
Mental Health - Service Type
Integrated Co-Occurring Disorders Treatment
Families/Friends of Individuals With an Alcohol Use Disorder
Conjoint Counseling
Substance Use - Service Type
Clinical Service Providers
Persons with co-occurring Mental Health & Substance Use Disorders
Substance Use - Special Programs
Persons with co-occuring Mental Health & Intellectual Disabilities
Families/Friends of Individuals With a Drug Use Disorder
Provides assistance to find long-term support options and determine eligibility for public programs.Long Term Care Options CounselingMore information: Screens for Medicaid nursing facility and home and community-based service waiver programs Helps with level of care determinations
Provides assistance to find long-term support options and determine eligibility for public programs.Long Term Care Options CounselingMore information: Screens for Medicaid nursing facility and home and community-based service waiver programs Helps with level of care determinations
Aging and Disability Resource Centers
Legal Services
Older Adults
Basic Needs
Mental Health - Special Programs
People With Disabilities/Health Conditions
Certificates/Forms Assistance
Specialized Information and Referral