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Provides various public and individual health programs and services to the community.Public HealthMore information: Includes family planning, maternal and child health, early head start, immunizations, and elder care Offers non-emergency medical transportation, personal care, adult evaluation, and home visits Advocates for individuals with developmental disabilities and connects them to services Programs on narcan training, smoking cessation, and cancer prevention available Monitors diseases and environmental health Issues certified birth and death certificates


Opioid Antidote Distribution
Parenting Education
Substance Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Intellectual Disabilities
Cancer Detection
Veterinary Services
Personal Care
Birth Control
Case/Care Management
Smoking/Vaping Cessation
Home Health Care
Graduation Requirements Programs
Volunteer Opportunities
Early Childhood Education
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening
Psychiatric Case Management
Activities of Daily Living Assessment
Lead Poisoning Screening
HIV Testing
Offers a variety of recreational, social, and physical activities for individuals of all ages.Family Support ServicesMore information: Operates a full health and fitness center with a gym, fitness classes, and poolsProvides music classes and performances Parenting classes, playgroups, and babysitting are available for parents of young children Camps are offered during the summer months for children, including those with special needs Programs are supportive of Jewish spiritual, cultural, and ethical values


Mental Health Information/Education
Volunteer Opportunities
Older Adults
Summer Camps
Early Childhood Education
Recreational Activities/Sports
Youth Enrichment Programs
Therapeutic Camps
Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites
Parenting Education
Offers programs for individuals and families needing assistance.Social Service ProgramsMore information: Provides financial assistance for home heating and fuel bills, eviction prevention, and motel stays Matches individuals who are homebound with older adults who assist with daily living tasks Counseling, education, and loan assistance available to help individuals become homeowners Encourages child development through the Head Start Program Distributes government surplus food to local pantries Manages rentals at some low-income developments


Mortgage Payment Assistance
Volunteer Opportunities
Mortgage Delinquency and Default Counseling
Home Maintenance and Minor Repair Services
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Early Childhood Education
Weatherization Programs
Housing Counseling
Senior Community Service Employment Programs
Home Purchase/Construction Financing/Refinancing
Rent Payment Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Personal Care
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Homeless Motel Vouchers
Provides services for individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities and their families. Developmental Disabilities ServicesMore information: Includes community living, employment and work skills training, and personal supports Provides fully inclusive licensed childcare programs Respite care coordination for caregivers available


Assisted Living Facilities
Case/Care Management
Mental Health Information/Education
Early Intervention for Children With Disabilities/Delays
Respite Care
Mental Health Issues
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Special Education
Mental Health Evaluation
Early Childhood Education
Volunteer Opportunities
Vocational Rehabilitation
Medical Equipment/Supplies
Intellectual Disabilities