Takoma-East Silver Spring Community Service Center, Community Resources
Offers a range of services to the community. Legal Services, Victims Services, Information and Referral, Early Childhood ServicesMore information: Includes legal advice and services for individuals who have been abusedOffers early childhood, childcare subsidy, and emergency eviction prevention programsIncludes healthcare and shelter assistance when availableHelps residents apply for eligible public health programs
Physical Address
8703 Flower Avenue, Silver Spring, MD 20901
Mon 9am - 4pm; Tue 9am - 4pm; Wed 9am - 4pm; Thu 9am - 4pm; Fri 9am - 4pm; Mon-Fri 9am-4pm (Closed lunch 12pm-1pm). Visit in person 9am-11:30am.
Application process
Call, visit in person, or visit website.
Residents of Montgomery County.
Service area
Montgomery county, MD
Agency info
Takoma-East Silver Spring Community Service Center
Provides information on community resources assists in filling out forms, applications, and letters in english sells a discounted youth bus pass assists seniors to apply for discounted mta bus passes offers a notary public interprets spanish legal documents provides an abused persons program provides legal advice the 1st and 3rd wed of each month. volunteers, ages 14 and older, welcome.