
United Way of Central Maryland, 211 Maryland United Way Helpline

Offers information and referral for health and human services statewide.Information and Referral More information:Assists with EITC screening and tax appointment schedulingAnswers calls for Maryland Access Point in Baltimore City The 211 Outbound Text Messaging Pilot program shares at least 2 alerts a month on various topics

Physical Address

1800 Washington Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21230


Mon 12am - 11:59pm; Tue 12am - 11:59pm; Wed 12am - 11:59pm; Thu 12am - 11:59pm; Fri 12am - 11:59pm; Sat 12am - 11:59pm; Sun 12am - 11:59pm; 24 hours/day, 7 days/week.

Application process

Call or visit the website.


Open to all.

Service area

MD, United States

Agency info

United Way of Central Maryland

Nonprofit offering funding to local non-profit agencies. Also operates the 2-1-1 statewide hotline.